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Liposonix Treatment

Body sculpting with a non-surgical fat reduction procedure for the abdomen and flanks.

Liposonix Sessions

Destroy Stubborn Fat Cells

Liposonix is a non-surgical fat-reduction treatment that destroys stubborn fat cells

A non-surgical liposonix treatment for destroying fat

Liposonix is a non-surgical fat reduction treatment that uses high-intensity focused ultrasound energy to destroy tenacious fat cells.

As a result, your body flushes out the damaged cells in the coming weeks and months for a permanent reduction of fat in the treated area.

It results in 1 size reduction after one treatment. 

Client Testimonials

Any Questions?

Contact our clinic in Zalka, Lebanon, and let us better assist you in learning more about our body contouring and fat reduction procedures, including FIR treatment, Liposonix, Ultrasonic Cavitation, and Radiofrequency Rejuvenation.

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